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Capital: Harrisburg



Pennsylvania has a rich history. Pennsylvania became a part of the United States on December 12, 1787.  Pennsylvania was the second state. The first settlers in Pennsylvania were Native Americans.   The land that is now Pennsylvania was won in the French-Indian war. The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania July 4, 1776.  One of the most deadly battles in the Civil War, The battle of Gettysburg was fought in Pennsylvania. 

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State Symbols

The state bird is the Ruffed Grouse
The state mammal is the White 
Tailed Deer
The State tree is the Eastern Hemlock
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The state flower is the Mountain Laurel
The State drink is Milk
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The state dog is a Great Dane
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The state insect is a Firefly
The state fish is the Brook Trout


Independence Hall

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Independence hall is where the Constitution was adopted. People visit Independence hall because you can see many historic items.

Liberty Bell

The Liberty bell opened in 1753. It was used to call people to public meetings. It has three cracks. People visit this place because it is very old and historic.

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Philadelphia  Museum of Art

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The Philadelphia Museum of Art is an art museum originally made  in 1876 for the people to be able to look at art. People visit the Philadelphia museum of art because  it has beatiful art.

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